Mark Palmer, of Mark Palmer International Ministries
is no stranger to ministry.
Born In Alaska to missionary parents, who founded and pastored a church in Anchorage in 1947.
In 1974, Mark began co-pastoring with his father, at Maranatha Full Gospel Fellowship, the church his father founded.
Mark has spent the majority of his adult life operating in the office of Teacher, focusing on spiritual gifting, leadership training, as well as many other theological topics. He has taught at many Bible colleges and schools all over the world, as well as 2 Soviet Union universities.
Mark has traveled the world as a guest speaker to many Pastors Conferences and Leadership Seminars. Mark has worked with "Youth With A Mission" in Russia for ten semesters. He was deeply involved with founding the humanitarian project named "Home of Hope -Texas" which. is a rehabilitation home for the victims of sex trafficking and modern-day victims of slavery.
Marks says, it has been his great privilege to be called by God to be an encourager, to church leaders, helping to enable them to grow in their God given spiritual gifting's which allows them, in tun, to grow Disciples for Jesus.
We met Mark and began joining our vision to reach the nations for God, 5 years ago. We thank God for Mark joining us. He is a perfect fit for our ministry as president. His classes are available here through our website. You will absolutely want to be taught by this man of God!
We call him Friend!

Mark Palmer
Ministry President
"To be a friend, a man should strive to be like the shadow of a great rock in a weary land, to be a source of refuge and strength to those who walk in darkness. To be a friend is to be like Jesus."
Wilfred Peterson

Larry and Debra Titsworth
Founding Directors
and The Lord said to Moses...
Deuteronomy 5:31
But you stand here with me so I can give you all my commands, decrees, and regulations. You must teach them to the people so they can obey them in the land I am giving them as their possession.’”
Lives Devoted To Ministries
Our Assignment- Train the Trainer and Build Disciples!
Our Focus- Getting the Word of God to the People!
Our Goal- Using the tools available to get the Word of God to those that will hear!
1. Making classes available to trainers, students.
2. Supplying Class videos and Student notes for Bible Schools for Pastors and Missionary Schools to train their leaders.
3. Teaching and watching students grow into disciples and "GO," and teach their nation.
4. Fulfilling the call of God on their lives to be a Disciple of Jesus.
God directed us as a new ministry with Deuteronomy 5:31 as we grew to be able to do what we do today. As we obeyed and stood by Him and learned our assignment. We have been able to go and teach others how to respond and obey to the call on their lives to go and accomplish all that God has called them to do.
God is Faithful! As we are willing to make the commitment and desire a deeper walk with the Lord who will GO, and proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ, then we will possess the land for the Kingdom.
LTD Ministries is Lives Devoted to Training the Trainers!
May God find us Faithful
Matthew 24:45
"Who, then, is the faithful and wise servant? The master will put that person in charge of giving the other servants their food at the right time. "
What We Believe

The mission of LDT Ministries is to provide anyone who wants to hear, Kingdom values and a solid knowledge about the Word of God, using The Bible as our textbook. As we study God's Word together, we will be exposed to Biblical Truth. Through curricular experiences, Spirit Filled Teachers desire to foster your personal growth and make self-education a lifelong pursuit in each student. To learn more about our mission, values and educational programs, please get in touch with us today. We will pray with you and encourage you to follow after the desire of your heart and to find, follow and fulfill the call of God on your life.
We believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of The Living God, whom God sent to us, to be crucified and raised again after 3 days. Those who believe on Him and receive Him as their personal Savior will find redemption for their sins and have eternal life.
The goal of any Born Again, Spirit Filled Believer, is to be a Disciple of Jesus and share this Good News to all persons. Jesus died for the Whole World and there is a Heavenly Home with our Father God awaiting us, for whoever believes on Him, repents of their sin and receives Jesus as their Savior. You are a whoever!
Debra Titsworth, Ministry Administrator
I Peter 4:11
If any man minister or serves do it as of the ability
which God Gives!

Send your bread across the seas, and in time, profits will flow back to you. Ecc 11:1

Lives Devoted to Ministries is a 501c3 Ministry. Your donations are deductible, and you will receive a receipt at the time of your donation. We will be happy to send you a donation letter at the end of the year. For more information on how you can partner with us click on the more info button.
We appreciate you!